
‘Friday’ Singer Rebecca Black Opens Up About Bullying

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We all remember Rebecca Black’s infamous song “Friday” that went viral 9 years ago. The song received much criticism along with its cheesy music video, quickly becoming a meme. Black faced bullying at her school after the release of the single, having to be homeschooled in order to finish her formal education.

Now 22, Black released a lengthy caption on her Instagram and Twitter to commemorate the 9-year anniversary of the song.

“Above all things, I just wish I could go back and talk to my 13-year-old self who was terribly ashamed of herself and afraid of the world,” Black wrote. “To my 15-year-old self who felt like she had nobody to talk to about the depression she faced. to my 17-year-old self who would get to school only to get food thrown at her and her friends. To my 19-year-old self who had almost every producer/songwriter tell me they’d never work with me. hell, to myself a few days ago who felt disgusting when she looked in the mirror!”

Since releasing “Friday”, Black has continued to create music and cover songs, proving that even in the face of bullying she still has a passion for music. Nearly a decade after the drop of the infamous song and video, Black has discovered self-acceptance.

“I’m trying to remind myself more and more that every day is a new opportunity to shift your reality and lift your spirit. you are not defined by anyone choice or thing,” she ended the post. “Time heals and nothing is finite. it’s a process that’s never too late to begin. and so, here we go! this might be a weird thing to post but the honesty feels good if nothing else.”

Hannah Chalker is a writer at Hers Magazine. She graduated from the University of Georgia in December of 2019 with a degree in English literature. In her free time, you can find her playing video games or writing poetry while snuggling with her pup, Winnie.

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