Social Commentary

Trayvon Martin’s Mother Persists in Activism Amidst $100 Million Lawsuit

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Sybrina Fulton became an activist against gun violence after the tragic death of her son, Trayvon Martin, in 2012. This week, the person responsible for her son’s death, George Zimmerman, pressed charges against her family, but Fulton keeps pushing forward with her activism.

After the death of her son, Fulton created the Trayvon Martin Foundation. The foundation aims to help families who are grieving over the loss of their loved ones to gun violence. From there, Fulton decided to get more involved.

“At first, I did not want to be the voice for Trayvon after he died,” Fulton said. “But now, I’m called to act. I’m called to serve. It became clear to me there’s an opportunity to turn our family’s tragedy into something positive for other families.”

Fulton has spoken at universities, organizations and even won the VH-1 “Trail Blazer” honor alongside Tracy Martin for their work together. She has also spoken in front of the Democratic National Committee.

However, Fulton has always had her roots in activism. In the 80s, Fulton worked at the General Service Administration Department in the Miami government. She also worked for the Housing Development agency.

With her background in government, politics and activism Fulton is taking the next steps to continue to fight against gun violence, all with her son in mind. Fulton is currently running for Miami-Dade County Commissioner in 2020.

Katiee is a writer from Atlanta, GA, who runs her own blog called Life Starts With Coffee. She is a concert junkie, and has a pet rabbit named Florence. You can find her on Instagram at @rosecafletic.

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