
‘Too Hot to Handle’ Reunion: What’s Changed?

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The cast of Netflix’s reality dating series “Too Hot to Handle virtually reunited to reveal the current relationship status of the show’s most popular cast members.

Hosted by Desiree Burch via Zoom, the reunion aired on Friday yielding both some startling moments and clarity about instances that many fans questioned. The series was taped one year ago, in April 2019, and many fans wanted to know what happened with those who hooked up and coupled up since then. The reunion focused on:  Francesca Farago, Harry Jowsey, Chloe Veitch, Kelechi “Kelz” DykeRhonda Paul, Sharron Townsend, Bryce HirschbergHaley Cureton, and Kori Sampson.

too hot to handle reunion

From the beginning, Burch wasted no time in interviewing the show’s most costly, sexually-charged couple: Harry and Francesca.

After announcing, “I’m born again virgin,” Harry shared how he visited Francesca in Vancouver, Canada and enjoyed meeting her family, especially her grandmother.

Francesca, likewise, went to visit him in Australia, but they decided to take a break after that point.  The two got back together eight months later when Harry said he reached out to her, sending photos of their most endearing moments.

“Every time we fight we get stronger and stronger,” said Francesca, who showed off her matching lightning bolt tattoo, which is on both their index fingers.

Harry is now living in Los Angeles, Ca., so they FaceTime like 30,000 times a day, according to Francesa. “And we’re always sending nudes.”

Burch then asked Francesca the one main question that seemed conflicting to fans. It seemed to some that Francesca only ended up with Harry after she was rejected by Kelz.

Francesca said she admittedly was trying to fill the void of losing Harry by coming on to Kelz during the show. “I was definitely just looking in another direction,” she said. “Honestly, I was just filling the void that was Harry.”

She was hoping to make Harry jealous, but she added, “That’s not exactly why I did it.”

She knew Kelz was interested, and he entertained her flirtations but ultimately rejected her sexual advances. He didn’t want to lose any more of the $100,000 prize money, which was reduced every time they had any type of sexual encounter. Kelz said at the time, “This accountant is not going to be embezzling any funds.”

“I was honestly thinking about Harry the whole time,” said Francesca during the reunion.

Referring to Kelz, Harry said, “He shot his shot and missed the mark, so I’m always… Big Papi Chulo just came in and stole the queen. So let’s go!”

Harry discusses Francesca with Kelz too hot to handle

With Harry now living in LA, Francesca is making plans to move there. However, the biggest announcement was a potential engagement. Harry said, “We’ve also been looking at rings.”

At that moment, he proposed virtually, getting down on one knee, professing his love and holding a ring pop. “Do you want to do this thing? Do you want to get married?” Ultimately, she said “yes, of course.”

Harry's Proposal to Francesca

Harry proposes to Francesca with a ring pop over video chat during the reunion

Although not as climactic, other revelations came from Chloe. She explained “banter,” a term the British contestants used as they spoke on the resort. It is a light-hearted joke, nothing too personal or insulting.

“Do you know what geezer means?” she asked Burch, who wanted to know because Chloe was always saying she wanted one. A geezer is someone who has presence, someone that holds themselves well, explained Chloe. “My dad is a geezer. I think that’s where I get it from to be honest.”

She didn’t end up with a man, or geezer like Kori, be she did get a boost of “confidence” from the fan support once the show aired.

Meanwhile, Kelz said he’s still single but has women from around the world who want be his “baby mama.” He  wouldn’t comment on his possible romantic dealings with model and actress Emily Ratajkowski other than to explain, “It’s still early days.”

Haley confirmed that she isn’t into personal growth, so the show’s concept didn’t appeal to her. Who did appeal to her was Francesca, who she rated as a 15 kisser.

The final interview involved the couple affectionately known as “Sharronda,” Sharron and Rhonda. The two announced that they weren’t together any longer.

“Me and Sharron are amazing,” said Rhonda. “We’re friends.”

Sharronda too hot to handle reunion

Sharron added, “I still hold her close to my heart. We’re not an official thing, but we’re a thing.”

He said he learned a lot from courting Rhonda. “You can’t move forward if you’re still holding onto the past,”  he told Burch. He admitted to being afraid and putting up a wall to shield himself from pain, but now, since the show, he is more emotionally vulnerable. “You can still show emotion and still be a man.”

Rhonda was beleaguered with tears, obviously, still emotionally connected to him. Based on her Instagram account, it appears that she’s dating, though.

As for the others like Bryce, who shared a new song, most all say they learned something from this dating show’s experience: holding off on sex to develop an emotional connection. In the end, being too hot can apparently interfere with getting a handle on a lasting relationship, as well as winning prize money.

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