
Shannen Doherty Reveals Stage 4 Cancer

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Shannen Doherty, 48,  was diagnosed with breast cancer back in 2015. The “Charmed” and “Beverly Hills 90210” star took immediate action upon learning her diagnosis. She first went through hormonal treatments in order to battle her cancer, along with intense radiation. Doherty received a mastectomy back in 2016 and has since had reconstructive surgery. Doherty’s cancer went into remission but she is now battling the resurgence of stage four breast cancer. Doherty has been brave in the face of her diagnosis.

“Everything else is manageable,” Doherty said. “Pain is manageable, you know living without a breast is manageable, it’s the worry of your future and how your future is going to affect the people that you love.”

The star says that having cancer has made her love her body more and has motivated her to take care of herself. Doherty has been very open about her journey with breast cancer on social media in order to keep the story from becoming twisted.

Back in 2018 Doherty sued insurance company State Farm for forcing her to pay out of pocket for the damage to her home after the Woolsey fire. State Farm feels as if the actress is using her diagnosis to gain sympathy during the trial, but Doherty’s lawyers say that it is unfair for Doherty to live out the remainder of her days in a legal battle. Doherty was worried that her health issues would become public during the legal battle so she took matters into her own hands by allowing for the world to know about her diagnosis.

“I’d rather people hear it from me,” she said. “I don’t want it to be twisted; I don’t want it to be a court document. I want it to be real and authentic, and I want to control the narrative. I want people to know from me.”

 Doherty believes that people with stage 4 cancer can still work. She is still working on “BH90210”, saying her diagnosis has not ended her life just yet. Doherty joined the cast in order to honor the late Luke Perry.

“I thought … people can look at that and say, ‘Oh my God, yeah. She can work, and other people with stage 4 can work, too.’ Our life doesn’t end the minute we get that diagnosis.”

Hannah Chalker is a writer at Hers Magazine. She graduated from the University of Georgia in December of 2019 with a degree in English literature. In her free time, you can find her playing video games or writing poetry while snuggling with her pup, Winnie.

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