
Revenge Porn Turned Deadly: Katie Hill’s Office Targeted With Possible Poison

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Former Congress member and recent victim of revenge porn, Katie Hill, was seemingly targeted with poison today when an envelope containing white powder was sent to her office.

Many of her office members were exposed to the white powder, and several said they felt itchy after facing contact with it. The office was later evacuated.

Officials are unsure if the envelope was addressed to Hill or if it was sent by her now ex-husband.

This follows a media frenzy caused by Hill’s ex-husband allegedly leaking nude photos of her.

Hill, 32, was elected to Congress in 2018. This past October, the nude photos of her were leaked, depicting her brushing the hair of a female campaign staffer. Another photo shows her nude, holding a bong. Hill says that her “abusive husband is running a smear campaign” against her.

The openly bisexual politician was ridiculed for the leaked photos by both other Congress members and the media, prompting her to resign.

In a heart-wrenching tweet, Hill stated that she believes her resignation is the best decision for her community.

She believes that by resigning, she is sparing her community the pain that she is going through. According to Hill, her husband released these nude photos of her to slander her name.

“For the mistakes made along the way and the people who have been hurt, I am so sorry,” Hill said. “I am not a perfect person and never pretended to be. It’s one of the things that made my race so special.”

CSPAN also released a video of Hill’s farewell address, where she explains the entire situation and why she has made the decision to resign.

“I am leaving now because of a double standard,” Hill said. “I am leaving because I no longer want to be used as a bargaining chip.”

Many have criticized other Congress members and numerous media outlets for how they have treated Hill in this difficult time in her life. The Guardian said the story has “very clear elements of sl*t-shaming and homophobia.”

Katiee is a writer from Atlanta, GA, who runs her own blog called Life Starts With Coffee. She is a concert junkie, and has a pet rabbit named Florence. You can find her on Instagram at @rosecafletic.


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