
Queen to Establish Resignation Rules for Future Royal Generations

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After a newsworthy week for the royal family, Queen Elizabeth II has decided to “turn a crisis into an opportunity” by establishing new rules for future generations of the United Kingdom’s royal family, including royal children Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.

This past Wednesday, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry announced that they would be stepping down from their “senior” roles in the royal family, focusing their time on raising their son and starting their own charitable organization.

According to the Telegraph, the Queen told her staff yesterday to determine a solution for what the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s roles would now look like within 72 hours. She also told couriers to produce an additional blueprint for future generations of royals.

It is unclear what rules may be put in place, but they will set the framework for the official process if one of the young royal’s ever decides to step down in the future.

“Within 24 hours of the statement being issued on Wednesday night, the Queen had convened a working group and she wants a solution in a similar timeframe – less than a week.

“The talks are progressing well but there’s a lot to be worked through,” a source close to the negotiations told the Telegraph. “The bigger the issue gets, the calmer it gets. There’s a good degree of pragmatism. By this time next week, this will all be resolved. But in getting this right, you are not only solving a conundrum for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex but others further down the line of succession for years to come, including Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis.”

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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