
Olivia Jade Returns to YouTube After College Admissions Scandal

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Olivia Jade has returned to YouTube for the first time since the infamous college admissions scandal involving her mother, Lori Loughlin. Jade has almost 2 million subscribers on the platform and returned yesterday with a two-minute long video.

“Obviously I’ve been gone for a really long time and… I wish I could talk about all of this,” Jade said. “The reason for that is that I’m legally not allowed to speak on anything going on right now.”

Loughlin’s case is still ongoing, which prohibits Jade from being able to comment. Allegedly, Loughlin and her husband paid $500,000 to a fake charity so that both their daughters would be accepted into the University of Southern California as new members of the crew team.

Jade’s new video came shortly after her parents pleaded “not guilty” to the charges. With the charges combined, they face around 45 years of jail time.

After the scandal, Jade lost a lot of her brand partnerships, which was one of her main sources of income. However, Jade has returned and says she wants to put out new content really soon. For the foreseeable future, she will not be addressing her parents case.

“I wanna come back because I wanna come back,” Jade said.

Katiee is a writer from Atlanta, GA, who runs her own blog called Life Starts With Coffee. She is a concert junkie, and has a pet rabbit named Florence. You can find her on Instagram at @rosecafletic.

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