
New Decade, New Beginnings: Your 2020 HERiscopes

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Aries (3/21-4/19)

You’re the first sign of the zodiac, Aries, and that’s totally because you deemed it so! Aries people love to be first, so it’s really no surprise. You are assertive with a drive to succeed. You have a fiery heart and personality that attracts others to you. In 2020, you’ll see big changes in your love life. Aries tend to be wild and hard to settle, but if it’s love you’re seeking, 2020 will be the year to turn it around. This year, your inner light will shine, attracting others to you like a moth to a flame. When it comes to family, you are either all in or all out. Last year, you may have had a falling out or two, so this will be your year to make amends. You are very loyal to your people, and 2020 will be your year to show them that. Career wise, you are one of the most ambitious of the zodiac. This year, there may be an opportunity that places you in a competitive spot with someone you know or care about. Tread lightly.

Taurus (4/20-5/20)

As a Taurus, you have an eye for beautiful things. In 2020, you will be attracting all those things to you. From people, to places and experiences. Your love of beauty may attract you to a person romantically, but it’s not what will keep you there. You will be drawn to their soul and personality this year. What you need to focus on this year is what has caused you trouble before in relationships. Work through those problems as you attract new love in 2020. For a long time now, Taurus, you may have felt distance from your family. This will be the year to make amends with them, if you can. At your next get together, reach out. They have been waiting for you. You are probably feeling way more confident about your career aspirations this year, Taurus. Congrats! Shine in your victory.

Gemini (5/21-6/20)

You are very mysterious, Gemini. This makes you alluring to the people around you. You were born with a duel nature, often feeling that you’re being pulled in opposite directions. Your love life probably feels like a soap opera at times. You can love deeply and swear you’re a romantic when you want to be. You attract people to you, but often confuse them. This year you will be growing in many ways and should look for someone that will grow with you. Choose a partner who is good for you, rather than one who gives you anxiety. Your emotions will probably run hot and cold often, especially with your family. This year, you may have family conflicts you have to resolve. Be prepared and open minded as family members reach out. Your conflicting nature may sometimes cause problems as work. You are independent, and often don’t accept help. Be more open to the possibility of more, career-wise.

Cancer (6/21-7/22)

Cancer, you may have been wondering why everything you’ve wanted hasn’t gone according to plan. In 2020, things will be looking up when you least expect it. Right now, it may seem like this isn’t the case, but everything you’ve dreamt of will be within reach in a matter of months. Your hard work will pay off. Your love life may not have been the best last year. Romance and loyalty are incredibly important to you and you want that in a partner. If you didn’t have that last year, someone will be coming into your life in 2020. Cancers are family oriented, usually close to their loved ones. You may even play a parental role in your life, and your family life will be rich this year. The first half of the year may be a little rough, but the second half will bring you closer than ever. You may feel unstable in your career this year, but it will be on the upswing. You could make friends with people who have connections this year, and it will be your time to shine.

Leo (7/23-8/22)

If you’re a Leo, you’re probably very loyal, and you always will be. You see what is beautiful in everything you do. In 2020, there will be a focus on what is possible in your life. You lust for a happy love life. If you haven’t found it, it’s coming this year. Your temper may get in the way, so watch out as you move forward with potential partners. But you could have all new levels of passion come your way, if you let it. You are most likely the leader of the pack when it comes to family. You may feel your family’s support has been lacking this year, and finally you will have that appreciation this year. You’re a star at your job, Leo, and good things will continue to grow. You are able to write your own story this year, so let’s make it a good one.

Virgo (8/23-9/22)

Your analytical nature and precise way of getting things done hides your sweet, kind nature, Virgo. This year, it’s time to let the soft side of you out to play. You can be deeply passionate, especially in your love life and ambitions. You are most comfortable falling into the predictable, and you want a partner you can count on. You may already have one, Virgo. Hang on to them and show them the love they deserve this year. You are a straightforward thinker, and this could cause tension with younger family members this year. Just remember, they deserve love and support too! You are a problem solver who is goal oriented, which is perfect as you enter a new career path. You will gain momentum very quickly in 2020, achieving your career goals.

Libra (9/23-10/22)

This year, Libra, you will have more opportunities presented to you. It will be up to you to take those big chances in 2020. Much of your life will be focused on love and relationships. This will be a good year to open up your deep love connection with your partner, showing them how deeply you care. 2020 will be a great year for your love life, if you let it! You are often someone who gives advice to your family, and in 2020 a family member may come to you for it. Be open minded, as they need a little guidance. As far as career, you seem to be pretty stable. Don’t worry about your performance, concentrate on enjoying your efforts. They will pay off.

Scorpio (10/23-11/21)

Scorpio, you will strut into 2020 with style. Those who felt they could not grow close to you will this year, and you will form some beautiful friendships. Relationships will present themselves to you this year, and it will be your choice if you want to be with them. 2020 will also be a good year for family expansion, Scorpio, if that’s something you’re into. 2020 will be your year of growth, and you deserve it! There will however be a drastic change at work, so be mindful as you approach a new career season.

Sagittarius (11/22-12/21)

You are anything but boring, Sagittarius. The year 2020 could be as exciting and fast paced as you want it to be. Life is what you make it. Your social life will thrive this year, and you’ll meet lots of new people. You may have a few romantic arguments, but once you push through you will thrive in your relationship. There will be a happy family engagement for you this year, and you will probably have the opportunity to plan it. Your social skills will provide you with a great work environment this year. You will see more financial security this year, as you gain momentum.

Capricorn (12/22-1/19)

You are a go-getter, that’s for sure. Nothing gets in your way, and you solve every problem with ease. You inspire others and attract people to you. However, in relationships you may seem detached. This year, your love life should be rather stable, just remember to show your partner lots of love. Your family will always come first in your life, and in 2020 you may face some struggles. Just remember to show your family how much you care and provide them with a sense of love. Your career may shake some this year, Cap. Make sure you are always thinking of the future, and not getting stuck in the present. You deserve to thrive.

Aquarius (1/20-2/18)

You are very independent, Aquarius. This can make it hard for people to get to know the real you. Love can be a tricky area of your life, and it’s time to let people in. In 2020, you’ll see relationships bloom, and it will be your choice if you let people learn more about you. Open up and show your true colors. You love your family, and this year a family member will inspire you to make a drastic change in your life. Be open to letting that happen. Your career will grow this year as you do, and you have to be open to all the new things. You’ve got this.

Pisces (2/19-3/20)

You are highly emotional, creative and sweet, Pisces. Enjoy that and let yourself thrive in 2020. Your love life may have been rocky last year, and it’s going to build a lot this year. Be open to seeing change in yourself and your partner, as you evolve into your true self. Believe in your power. You may have felt disrespected by a family member last year, or it could be ongoing. Just remember that the only opinion that matters is your own, Pisces. Your career has probably been unstable last year. This year, if you play your cards right and gain momentum in your career. Things will begin to prosper.

Katiee is a writer from Atlanta, GA, who runs her own blog called Life Starts With Coffee. She is a concert junkie, and has a pet rabbit named Florence. You can find her on Instagram at @rosecafletic.

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