
Nancy Pelosi Rips Trump’s State of the Union Speech

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In an act of defiance, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., showed her disapproval of President Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech last night by tearing up a transcript of the speech as he ended its delivery.

“It was a manifesto of mistruths,” Pelosi told reporters while leaving the Capitol.

She also said that ripping the speech was the “courteous thing to do.”

In the speech, Trump spoke highly of the current economy, trade agreements and immigration policy.

“In just three short years, we have shattered the mentality of American decline and we have rejected the downsizing of America’s destiny,” Trump said. “We are moving forward at a pace that was unimaginable just a short time ago and we are never going back.”

Trump noticeably did not mention his recent impeachment trial that is expected to close with his acquittal this afternoon.

Partisan tensions were high from early on in the event. Trump was welcomed upon entrance by GOP lawmakers chanting “four more year.” Pelosi then introduced Trump by notably not saying it was a “high privilege and distinct honor” to introduce him, so he slighted her following offer of a handshake.

Just like last year, Pelosi and several other female lawmakers in the gallery wore all white as a sign of protest and tribute to the women’s suffrage movement.

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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