
Japanese Women Speak Out Against Glasses Ban

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Women in Japan have been protesting on Twitter this week over several companies banning women from wearing eyeglasses to work, trending the hashtag #メガネ禁止 (#GlassesBan).

According to BBC News, the movement was sparked by a few local Japanese TV news networks when they reported that several retail chains banned glasses for women because they can give a “cold impression” to customers.

Other instances of glasses bans are for airline workers, citing safety reasons, and for women in the beauty industry, reportedly so people can see their makeup more clearly.

Japanese men and women sounded off on Twitter this week about their disapproval of the workplace bans, many saying it is a safety hazard.

Other Twitter users said that the ban reinforces outdated beauty standards.

This movement also reminded others of a previous Japanese movement #KuToo (a hashtag playing on the Japanese words for shoes and pain) which stood against workplaces requiring women to wear high heels to work.

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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