
How to Live Life to the Fullest During a Pandemic

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Hey, you. I know things are crazy right now. I know it’s all overwhelming and scary. But, you are going to be OK. ⁣

Amidst the current coronavirus pandemic, international anxiety has risen. While, yes, you should 100 percent be taking the situation seriously by socially isolating and looking out for those in high risk communities, you also need to look out for your mental health.

The reality is that we survive near-death experiences every day. On any given day, you could contract a disease, get in a car crash or trip while going down the stairs. It’s impractical to avoid going down any stairs for the rest of your life, just as it’s impractical to waste your precious today in obsessive worry about the potential of contracting coronavirus.

If you’re terrified of getting coronavirus, here are some ways to fight the anxiety.

Recognize the need to live life to the fullest

Let’s consider the worst-case scenario. Let’s say you do die soon. Dying is a natural part of life. Billions of people throughout history have gone before you. Plus, you have lived a beautiful life. Consider the people whose lives you lit up simply with your existence. Sure, there are things you didn’t get around to doing, but that’s OK. If there are things you have left unsaid or people you need to make sure know that you love them, you’re still alive now. Pick up the phone and brighten someone’s day today, while you’re still kickin’. ⁣

Now, let’s look at the facts. Statistically speaking, you probably won’t die tomorrow or in the near future. But now that you’ve made some peace with the idea, you can feel better, stronger, calmer. You can use this calm to help others find balance and peace.

Use this time to appreciate the little things⁣ in life

You’re alive today. What will you do with today? Waste it down the drain of worry and anxiety? Or, use it to do good, help others and cultivate peace? The birds are still chirping outside, you know. Roll your window down and give ‘em a listen.⁣

Any time an opportunity comes up to look at your life with a new perspective, I see it as a benefit. I once traveled to New Zealand, swam in a natural hot spring and thought I contracted a brain-eating amoeba that lives in warm water and has a 99 percent fatality rate. This experience caused me to look at my life from the perspective of having only a week to live.

Guess what? It was one of the best weeks of my life. I didn’t care what people thought of me. I saw with clarity what was important in my life. I savored the flavor of my morning coffee. Every morning I woke up, I was elated to still be alive.

Spread love and positivity

Right now is an opportunity for you to look at your own life with a new, clearer perspective. Whether you or the people you love get coronavirus is largely outside of your control, but what is within your control is making sure they know you love them. It’s within your control to feed the fires of anxiety with media consumption or to go for a walk outside. Coronavirus or not, all we have is today, this moment, now. Today is still a beautiful day to be alive.

No matter what, you will be OK. Take a deep breath. Feel your aliveness. ⁣Repeat.

Kate Manser is the creator of the YOU MIGHT DIE TOMORROW movement. She is an author, motivational speaker, entrepreneur, and so happy to be alive.

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