
#HersChat: How Should We Handle Venting Overload?

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Whether it’s an energy vampire or a constantly supportive friend going through a hard time, what should you say when someone asks you for help when you’re already going through a crisis of your own?

A tweet went viral this week offering a canned template for how to respond in that very situation, and it had the internet completely split.

The tweet was the end of a thread on mental health by user Melissa A. Fabello. In the thread, Fabello praises a friend for asking permission to vent to her about a medical problem.

She then goes on to say that everyone should do this for their friends. She recalled having others unload their emotions on her without warning, which then detrimental her own emotional stability.

However, she did acknowledge that friends in a state of crisis should be valued.

The thread prompted plenty of internet backlash, many saying the template came off as insincere.

Others approved of the thread, saying that it promoted healthy friendship boundaries.

We want to know your thoughts! Do you think this is a good way to handle emotional overload, or should everyone stay away from friend conversation templates? Reply to us on Twitter using #HersChat with your thoughts!

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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  1. Pingback: Are Emotional Support Templates Even Bad? | HERS Magazine

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