
Here’s What Should REALLY Be in a ‘Lady Drawer’

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Earlier this week, an unfortunate male made the mistake of sharing his “lady drawer.”

The internet instantly came after him for the contents of the drawer, and rightfully so. The idea of a communal dildo is… chilling to say the least, and any woman who sees an open pregnancy test box should run for the hills.

The tampons and hair ties are appreciated, but I find the nail polish a bit unnecessary. As a woman, there have been times when I found myself at a man’s house in desperate need of some of these items. The creator of the “lady drawer” has received a lot of criticism for his drawer, resulting in the creation of a new meme.

People have responded by sharing their versions of the “lady drawer,” whether it be filled with pasta or rubber duckies. I would personally sign up for the drawer full of pasta, but that’s just me. We at Hers Magazine have accumulated a list of items for your “lady drawer” that might keep your guests coming back for more:

Lady Drawer:

  • Tampons
  • Hair ties
  • Makeup wipes
  • Hairbrush
  • Midol
  • Bobby pins
  • Feminine Wipes
  • Face Mask
  • A Soap that doesn’t smell like Axe

Women on twitter have responded to the original tweet with their own versions of a “fella drawer.” Don’t worry fellas, we made a drawer for you too, complete with both ranch and hot sauce:

Man Drawer:

  • Viagra
  • Condoms
  • Protein bar
  • Ranch
  • Doritos
  • Monster
  • Hot sauce
  • 3-in-1 Shampoo, Conditioner and Body Wash

Hannah Chalker is a writer at Hers Magazine. She graduated from the University of Georgia in December of 2019 with a degree in English literature. In her free time, you can find her playing video games or writing poetry while snuggling with her pup, Winnie.

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