
How Some of the Nation’s Most Influential Women are Responding to the Murder of ‘Gentle Giant’ George Floyd

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In a normal world, extremely violent incidents involving the police would be the result of actions carried out by dangerous drug cartels, serial killers or even gang-affiliated persons. But in this world, violent incidents involving the police continue to be the result of far less threatening actions carried out by people whose skin color—in the minds of the law—makes them more dangerous than any kind of criminal affiliation.

George Floyd fell victim to this exact type of mistreatment by an officer. On Monday, May 25, an employee at a grocery store in Minneapolis called the police after Floyd allegedly tried to pay with a fake $20 bill.

George Floyd, 46
Photo: nytimes.com

In a video captured by 17-year-old Darnella Frazier—who recently spoke out about the incident—Floyd can be seen being held down on the ground, surrounded by four cops with three of them kneeling on him. One officer, Derek Chauvin, pressed his face into the pavement with the officer’s knee on Floyd’s neck.


For almost nine minutes, according to official reports, Chauvin held Floyd pinned on the ground in this position as Floyd continued to complain, saying, “I can’t breathe.” As witnesses begged the officer to release him, Floyd began to speak with increased difficulty before he eventually became unresponsive.

After protests in Minneapolis and in other U.S. cities, Chauvin was arrested and charged with manslaughter and 3rd degree murder last Friday. The other three officers have yet to be charged at this time.

Floyd, who was 46 years old at the time of his death, grew up in Houston, Texas, where he was a star tight end for Jack Yates’ High School, an article by The Guardian reported.


Because he was 6 feet 6 inches tall with a “quiet personality but a beautiful spirit,” according to his former classmate Donnell Cooper, Floyd’s peers often referred to him as the “gentle giant.” In 2014, Floyd and some of his friends—including his lifelong friend, Christopher Harris—moved to Minneapolis, Minn., in search of jobs following Floyd’s release from prison after he served a five-year sentence for armed robbery.

Determined to turn his life around, the father of one landed a job working security at a Salvation Army in the city, as well as two other jobs working as a truck driver and at a local bistro—whose owner, Jovanni Tunstrom, said Floyd was “always cheerful”—as a bouncer.


When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, however, Minneapolis was put under stay-at-home orders, leaving Floyd unemployed once again. Harris said he had spoken with Floyd the night before Floyd’s death to get information for contacting a temporary jobs agency.

“He was doing whatever it takes to maintain going forward with his life,” Harris told “The Guardian” newspaper. He also expressed his doubt that his friend would resort to his old ways. “I’ve never known him to do anything like that,” Harris added.

After the video that highlights Floyd’s May 25 encounter with officers went viral, people of all races took to social media to expressed their anger and concern at how an alleged “fake” $20 bill, an unarmed black man and four armed officers ended in such tragedy.

Given previous incidents of alleged police brutality or racial injustice  involving Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Sandra Bland, Michael Brown and others, people across the world took to the streets to protest, which ended in riots in some U.S. cities.

While people — including some celebrities—marched, carried signs and even lay flat on their faces to have their voices heard, others decided to use their celebrity platforms to relay much more peaceful, yet equally powerful messages.

Here’s what some of the most influential women had to say about Floyd’s death:

Beyoncé – “We need justice for George Floyd…”

In a video she posted on Instagram on May 29, famed R&B singer Beyoncé expressed that justice for George Floyd is needed. She not only directed her message to people of color, but to people of all races.


The wife of African American rapper Jay-Z and mother of three African American children insisted that there should be no more “senseless killings of human beings” or “seeing people of color as less than human.”

Demi Lovato – “I wish black men could live in peace.”

Wednesday, singer Demi Lovato posted a heart-felt message to her Instagram page.


Many of Lovato’s followers took to the comments section of the post to thank her for using her platform to acknowledge the fact that black men deserve a chance to live peaceful lives.

“Thank you for always using your voice and platform boo.”

“YES. Thank you for using your platform to spread this message. PEACE, LOVE, and RESPECT.”

Lady Gaga – “Murder is murder.”

While she is known for her unique style and personality, the 34-year-old made a very common plea on Twitter.

With her heart breaking for George Floyd and his family, the singer/songwriter posted the contact information for the Mayor of Minneapolis, Mayor Jacob Frey and the Minneapolis District Attorney, Michael Freeman.

Taylor Swift

Swift focused on the Pres. Donald Trump’s potential association to the environment that encourages and supports racism in the United States. She said on Twitter: “We will vote you out in November.”

Naomi Campbell — “Black Men Are Not Your Enemy”


The 50-year-old supermodel, in only six words, said a whole mouthful.


Ava Duvernay — “We must act – for you – and for all of those where no cameras were present.”

Having gained a huge fanbase for directing the award-winning Netflix mini-series, “When They See Us,” which highlighted the trials and tribulations of five falsely accused and unjustly imprisoned young black men, Duvernay used her platform to remind all of everything that George Floyd deserves.


Oprah Winfrey — “His family and friends say he was a gentle giant. His death has now shown us he had a gentle soul.”

Along with a peaceful image of Floyd, the former talk show host and owner of the OWN Network posted a heartfelt message to her Instagram account on May 29, a day after Chauvin was arrested, which read:


“I’ve been trying to process what can be said or heard in this moment. I haven’t been able to get the image of the knee on his neck out of my head. It’s there every morning when I rise and when I go through the ordinary duties of the day. While pouring coffee, lacing my shoes, and taking a breath, I think: He doesn’t get to do this.

And now the video from the other angle of two other officers pinning him down. My heart sinks even deeper.

His family and friends say he was a gentle giant. His death has now shown us that he had a gentle soul. If the largeness of a soul is determined by its sphere of influence, George Floyd is a Mighty soul.

#George Floyd: We speak your name. But this time, we will not let your name just be a hashtag. Your spirit is lifted by the cries of all of us who call for justice in your name!

Rihanna — “I can’t shake this!”

Earlier this year, Rihanna gave a powerful speech at the NAACP Awards, where she spoke out about ongoing, institutional racism.

Given her evident determination to change America’s system, her heartfelt message regarding the murder of George Floyd is one that will stick with the people of this nation forever.



Ariana Grande

“Her focus was on getting action, such as having petitions signed, reminding people to vote, and helping to raise money for protestors’ bail.


Floyd is survived by his 6-year-old daughter.

Avanti Tolbert is a freelance writer for Hers Magazine. She majored in Journalism at Georgia State University. When she is not busy writing, she enjoys shopping, catching up on her favorite shows and spending time with her precious daughter.


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