
Hate Crime Sparks Reverse Discrimination Battle on Twitter

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After three African American teenagers reportedly attacked a white grandmother in Queens and were later charged with a hate crime, Twitter erupted this week, suggesting this situation represents a growing pattern of reverse discrimination.

On July 9th, 57-year-old Jill LeCroix was apparently left with a gash in her head by three teenagers on the Q53 bus in Queens, according to the NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force. The victim claims that the teenagers were exclaiming “anti-white” sentiments as the assault ensued.

In an interview with the New York Post, LeCroix recalled, “Before they hit me, the girl with the green hair said, ‘You probably like Trump! Don’t you?’”

As the assault began, one of the teenagers allegedly stated, “You’re going to get what you deserve! All white people are going to get what they deserve.”

Following this event, Twitter exploded as various media networks such as CBS News, NBC News, CNN, the New York Post, and Fox News published the story. In a major Twitter thread reporting the story by Fox, various users shared their personal sentiments regarding the implications and importance of this event.

One Twitter user shared his perspective regarding the story, stating that this event was merely popularized to forward a “left” conservative agenda to legitimize racism against a group that propagated the system to begin with. The user stated that “Racism/discrimination against whites its a white construct. And Fox News isn’t news. It’s propaganda.”

Another user showed a similar sentiment, conveying that this post is used to affirm that white people are an oppressed group. Thus, have means of justifying other potential actions that could be deemed as racist to forward their own political agenda. “Its so important that Fox News ensure that almost every post makes white people feel like a persecuted minority. This justifies any measures to defend themselves.”

Other users against this post attempts to delegitimize the story or validate the teenagers’ violence. One user claimed that “There is no pertinent information in this story. But the all caps shows what Fox is trying to do here.”

Another user validated the teenagers actions because the victim supported Donald Trump. The user stated that “Her love of Trump got her ass kicked” followed by a laughing emoji.

Comparatively, users that condemned the actions of the teenagers shared similar opinions legitimizing racism against white people.

One of the users that supported this opinion stated that “There’s a climate of anti-white being taught in this nation which is as destructive as was slavery.” Following this sentiment, the user stated that “Most of us have always believed in a society of equal opportunity for all & still do.”

Another user shared the belief that racism against white people is under-recognized, such that if people who committed such hate crimes were to actually be convicted, it would allow the discussion to be ratified in our society. “If they would charge them like they charge white people there would be far more hate crimes”.

However, another user in the same discussion exclaimed that “THEY WON’T GET CONVICTED THOUGH”.

Regardless of the political stance the Twitter commenters convey on the matter, many seem to be partaking in the same system that they criticize. Those who attempt to delegitimize the story because they believe that Fox News is forwarding a socio-political agenda are also forwarding their own political agenda. Similarly, those who attempt to ratify the discussion of racism against white people, also delegitimize their cause by severely generalizing their own points.

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