
Finnish Prime Minister Mocked for Being a Former Cashier

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Estonian Interior Minister Mart Helme recently came under fire after mocking Finland’s new Prime Minister Sanna Marin in a radio interview, calling her a “sales girl.”

Marin is currently the world’s youngest head of state at 34 years old. The former transportation minister was elected into office on Dec. 8. Before becoming a politician, she worked as a cashier.

As a reference to this, Helme said in the interview, “every kitchen maid can become a minister, now one sales girl has become prime minister.”

Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid has since apologized for the comment.

Helme took the insult and made it into a compliment, saying that she’s proud of her country for creating an environment where working class people can become politicians.

“I am extremely proud of Finland,” Helme said in a tweet. “Here, a child from a poor family can get educated and achieve many things in their lives. The cashier of a shop can become a prime minister. Without the Danube, Finland would not survive. I appreciate the work of every employee, practitioner and entrepreneur!”

Finland’s party deputy leader also applauded the country for their system, saying that all politicians should have been in the shoes of the people they’re representing.

“I do not understand why [being a] cashier has been so negatively raised,” said Parliament member Riika Purra. “All politicians and decision-makers should have a [worker background] behind them.”

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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