
Breastfeeding is Now Legal in All 50 States

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As of 2018, all 50 states have legalized public breastfeeding. This keeps new moms from being charged with public indecency for feeding their hungry children. After Idaho, the last state to pass the breastfeeding law, legalized breastfeeding women everywhere have been celebrating.

This past weekend, a woman breastfed her child during halftime at a football game, which blew up on Twitter. This feat is so monumental because women now feel safe to feed their children in one of the most public of places, a sporting event. Just a few years ago, new moms could have been arrested for doing such a thing.

So, what’s next for the public breastfeeding movement? Many women have expressed having an area designated to breastfeeding in public.

The hashtag #WhatWomenWant has been trending on Twitter. Many women are asking for designated breastfeeding areas, aside from bathrooms. This way, it will be easier to feed their hungry children while in public.

Women are still being shamed for publicly breastfeeding. It seems to make people uncomfortable, and many women argue that they should be able to feed their children when they are hungry. Just like every other human is allowed to do. Thus, the push for public breastfeeding laws was an immense struggle, and many women feel as though they are still fighting.

Here, Everychild states that every breastfeeding parent deserves support. While the laws have been passed to allow public breastfeeding, the support has not been there. It is still deeply stigmatized in American culture. Everychild believes it is up to everyone in the community to support public breastfeeding, to make new mom’s comfortable doing it.

While women everywhere have celebrated this tremendous feat, it is still a battle to end the public breastfeeding stigma. Drawing awareness on social media has been key, as many women share their stories to normalize public breastfeeding.

Katiee is a writer from Atlanta, GA, who runs her own blog called Life Starts With Coffee. She is a concert junkie, and has a pet rabbit named Florence. You can find her on Instagram at @rosecafletic.

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