
Billie Eilish Self-Directs New Music Video for ‘Xanny’

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Billie Eilish’s new music video for “Xanny” is finally here, and the 17-year-old pop star directed it herself.

In the music video, Eilish sports a tame brown hair color and all-cream outfit as she sings in a blank room. It starts out so black that it’s almost soothing, like a stark hospital sheet or a freshly mopped floor.

Then, the weird comes in. She winces as a hand reaches out to burn a cigarette onto her face. More hands enter the shot, forcing her into becoming essentially a human ash tray.

It ends with the star’s face covered in burn marks as she walks out of the room. A cloud of smoke follows behind her.

The song explores teen drug use, urging others to not use Xanax and alcohol to suppress their problems. The drug-sober singer said in an interview with The Guardian that she’s seen these addictions affect people close to her.

“I don’t want my friends to die anymore,” Eilish said.

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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