
Beyoncé Joins the Obamas for the Class of 2020’s Virtual Graduation

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Students graduating from high school and college may have missed their commencement ceremony his year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and its social distancing requirements, but they got what no graduates have ever gotten before in recent history: an all-star, celebrity line-up to celebrate with them, albeit virtually.

YouTube hosted “Dear Class of 2020” as a virtual graduation option featuring the Obamas, Beyoncé , Taylor Swift, J Lo, Billy Porter, Alicia Keys, and Lady Gaga. Besides just the online format, this graduation will likely never be forgotten, especially the speeches.

The overall message of the graduation celebration was that nothing is holding the class of 2020 back, including the pandemic. Although the world has been turned on its head, forced to readjust and refocus priorities, this is the time to keep learning and pushing past obstacles. 

Alicia Keys YouTube’s “Dear Class of 2020”
Alicia Keys

“I see you,” said Alicia Keys says at the beginning of this commencement. “You’re unstoppable. We honor and celebrate you.”

The Simpsons weighed in next, with what the quarantine has been like, and of course, the cartoon family provided characteristic input. Lisa encouraged the graduates on their achievements and next steps. Bart mooned the class of 2020. Homer couldn’t get into his robe while Marge was having a nervous breakdown surrounded by dishes.

A real-life power couple, the Obamas, then offered support to the class of 2020, reiterating that “every single one of you has something to offer.” They also addressed the current protests with Barack noting, “These shocks to the system we’re seeing right now, just as you prepare to go out into the world, they remind us that we can’t take things for granted — we have to work to make things better.”

Michelle said that if you “feel invisible please know that your story matters.”

Beyoncé shared her own story in order inspire them and make them aware of the obstacles, namely for women. She explained, “There was a pivotal turning point in my life when I chose to build my own company many years ago. I had to trust that I was ready and that my parents and mentors provided me with the tools I needed to be successful, but that was terrifying.”

She added, “The entertainment business is still very sexist. It’s still very male-dominated, and as a woman, I did not see enough female role models given the opportunity to do what I knew I had to do: to run my label and management company, to direct my films and produce my tours. That meant ownership: owning my masters, owning my art, owning my future, and writing my own story.”

Lady Gaga said, “You are the seeds that will grow into a new and different forest that is far more beautiful and loving than the one we live in today.”

Included in the virtual graduation was a powerful tribute to the teachers, which started with the song “Hero” sung by the cast of Schitt’s Creek and culminated with a special appearance by Mariah Carey

“I remember every name, every face, every special nickname, every secret handshake.” Becca Wang (teacher)

J Lo reminded the graduates that “just when you thought the lessons were over, you’re learning the most important life experience of all is that every obstacle is an opportunity to learn.” 

No commencement would be complete without the official march and music. For this virtual ceremony, Lizzo played “Pomp and Circumstance” on the flute accompanied by the New York Philharmonic.


The musical ending with BTS and a video of a pregnant and barefoot Katy Perry belting out her song “Fireworks” is memorable as we see graduates in cap and gowns.  Featured guests also included Bill and Melinda Gates, Condoleezza Rice, and Malala Yousafzai.

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