
4 Ways to Treat Body Dysmorphia

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Given how easy it is to compare ourselves to others with social media, body dysmorphia is a serious mental health issue that continues to become more common.

Body dysmorphia means that you can’t get over one flaw about yourself that you might exaggerate in your mind. This mental health condition can lead to someone constantly looking in the mirror, dealing with increased anxiety in social situations, and feeling embarrassed—all of which can greatly impact their life.

These are 4 ways to treat and address body dysmorphia:

Seek Medical Attention

First and foremost, if you notice that you are suffering from any one of the symptoms, your best bet is to seek medical attention. A medical professional will not only be able to help diagnose you, but they will also point you in the right direction for treatment.



One direction a medical professional may point you toward is medication. Commonly prescribed medications for body dysmorphia include antidepressants, which include serotonin reuptake inhibitors, or SSRIs. These medications are known to help with obsessive and compulsive behaviors. Alcohol and other drugs could worsen symptoms, so it’s best to avoid them.


Another treatment you can undergo to combat body dysmorphia is therapy. More specifically, cognitive behavioral therapy—talking with a therapist in order to change thinking patterns—will help someone who suffers from body dysmorphia. Therapy can put an end to compulsive behaviors such as checking the defect by looking in the mirror or by trying to cover it up. If you do get therapy, you must remain committed to the treatment.

Get Regular Exercise


Staying active can be as effective for your mental health as it is for your physical health. That is why the final way to treat body dysmorphia is to get regular exercise (without overdoing it). Talk to your doctor about adopting a proper workout routine that involves cardio and strength building to make yourself feel better, not look better.

By conquering body dysmorphia through seeking help and trying some of these methods, you can become confident in your own skin and come to terms with the fact that there is more to life than our body image.

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