
Atlanta Joins List of Major Cities Under Stay at Home Order

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Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms issued a mandatory stay at home order for the city due to the coronavirus pandemic on Monday night that will last until April 7.

This announcement adds the Georgia city to a growing list of states and regions with shelter in place orders in place due to the international outbreak of COVID-19.

Stay at home, or shelter in place, orders due to coronavirus generally direct residents to stay in their homes except to conduct essential matters, like getting groceries or going to the hospital. Businesses that are considered non-essential are often required to close or have their employees work from home. Gatherings of over 10 people are also often prohibited.

Atlanta follows suit with the above usual guidelines. However, they are allowing restaurants that serve takeout, public parks and the Atlanta BeltLine (a walking and biking trail throughout the city) to remain open.

As a generally more forgiving version of a full quarantine or lockdown, people can still exercise outdoors during a shelter in place order so long as they practice proper social distancing by staying at least 6 feet away from other people. Atlantans must practice social distancing while exercising outside or going to parks.

Currently, people in areas of New York, California, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, Louisiana, Delaware, Ohio, Indiana, Connecticut, Oregon, Texas, Massachusetts and Georgia counties have been ordered to stay at home.

This rule was steadily oncoming for Atlanta. Bottoms issued an order last Thursday prohibiting in-person dining and requiring all bars, nightclubs, private social clubs, fitness centers, gyms, movie theaters, bowling alleys and arcades in the city to close.

Bottoms had planned to announce her shelter in place order early Monday, but was asked to hold off by Gov. Brian Kemp, who hosted a press conference announcing statewide coronavirus measures that afternoon. During the conference, he recommended high risk individuals statewide to stay at home.

As of Monday night, the state of Georgia had a total of 800 confirmed cases and 26 deaths from coronavirus.

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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