
Maria Sharapova Announces Tennis Retirement

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Russian tennis star announced in a Vanity Fair and Vogue exclusive today that she is retiring from the sport. The Olympic medalist is one of only 10 women to ever accomplish the Career Grand Slam, an accomplishment signaling a win in each of the four tennis Grand Slams.

“How do you leave behind the only life you’ve ever known? How do you walk away from the courts you’ve trained on since you were a little girl, the game that you love—one which brought you untold tears and unspeakable joys—a sport where you found a family, along with fans who rallied behind you for more than 28 years? I’m new to this, so please forgive me. Tennis—I’m saying goodbye,” Sharapova wrote.

The 32-year-old has played the sport for 28 years and won five total Grand Slams. In the piece, she says she gave her life to the sport. She recalled times when she felt that the physical limitations of her body were calling for a close in her career.

“One [moment when I knew my retirement was near] came last August at the U.S. Open,” Sharapova wrote. “Behind closed doors, 30 minutes before taking the court, I had a procedure to numb my shoulder to get through the match. Shoulder injuries are nothing new for me — over time my tendons have frayed like a string. I’ve had multiple surgeries — once in 2008; another procedure last year — and spent countless months in physical therapy. Just stepping onto the court that day felt like a final victory, when of course it should have been merely the first step toward victory. I share this not to garner pity, but to paint my new reality: My body had become a distraction.”

She describes the ending of her career with a bittersweet feeling. On one hand, the sport is her first love, and on the other hand, the retirement opens many more doors.

“There are a few simple things I’m really looking forward to: A sense of stillness with my family. Lingering over a morning cup of coffee. Unexpected weekend getaways. Workouts of my choice (hello, dance class!),” Sharapova wrote.

Gabby Dance is the managing and online editor of Hers Magazine. She graduated from Auburn University in May 2019 with a degree in journalism and women's studies. When she's not writing, you can find her obsessing over pop culture.

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