
SVU Made TV History, And Fans Are More Dedicated Than Ever

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“Law & Order: SVU” made history this September as the longest-running primetime TV drama with a female lead. The show has been on since 1998, with 21 seasons featuring Mariska Hargitay as Olivia Benson. Fans of the show are saying that they are now more dedicated than ever, being a part of making history.

“The fact that the longest-running scripted primetime drama has been starting conversations at the water cooler, in our homes, in our churches, about domestic violence, sexual assault, child abuse and elder abuse for 21 years is something that is so groundbreaking,” said SVU super fan Koli Marie.

SVU focuses on the storylines of the detectives in the Special Victims Unit. The crimes throughout the show are about survivors of sexual assault and other sexually heinous acts. At this time in the media, there are not many outlets for stories like this, and SVU has been inspiring thousands for two decades to come forward and recount what happened to them.

“It’s something that I’m proud of as a fan of the show and as a survivor,” Marie said. “This show has given me the courage to report my assault to the police, given me refuge when I was living through the worst of my abuse (that I remember) and has saved my life.”

The fact that the show has been on for 21 years is groundbreaking, as most crime shows do not carry on for so long. Having a strong female lead like Hargitay has also been significant, as fans are attached to both her and Benson. The show inspires people to share their stories, and know they are not alone. Thus, providing a home and safe space.

Mariska Hargitay is the center of SVU. In a New York Times interview, Hargitay said, “I’m more engaged now than ever, and I was pretty engaged when I started this,” she said. “It turned me from sort of actor to activist.”

Hargitay’s activism outside and inside the show is a huge component of what inspires fans to keep watching and stay engaged. Alongside the show, Hargitay also made history as the longest-running primetime character. Hargitay has no plans of quitting anytime soon. So, neither does SVU.

Dun Dun!

Katiee is a writer from Atlanta, GA, who runs her own blog called Life Starts With Coffee. She is a concert junkie, and has a pet rabbit named Florence. You can find her on Instagram at @rosecafletic.

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