
Writer Allegedly Assaulted by Donald Trump Sues Him for Defamation

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On Monday, New York advice columnist E. Jean Carroll filed a lawsuit against President Donald Trump for defamation.

The writer accused Trump of sexual assault in June, 2019, and Trump openly ridiculed her, accusing her of lying.

In Carroll’s memoirs “What Do We Need Men For?,” Trump asked her for help picking out a gift in a lingerie store in an upscale New York department store in late 1995 or 1996. She wrote that Trump penetrated inside her. Trump denied the allegations and ever meeting Carroll, even thought there’s a photo of them together from the ’80s.

Inside the dressing room, Carroll alleged that Trump pushed her against a wall and kissed her before pulling down her tights. She said she did not go to the police, but she did tell two friends at the time. The department store Bergdorf Goodman confirmed it no longer has tapes from the time of the incident.

He told The Hill earlier this year, “I’ll say it with great respect: Number one, she’s not my type. Number two, it never happened. It never happened, okay?”

White House Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told The Washington Post that Carroll is a fraud and that Carroll’s book did not make any money and that she is trying to get paid another way.

Grisham told the Post, “The story she used to try and sell her trash book never happened, period. Her version of events is not even feasible if you’ve ever tried on clothing in a dressing room of a crowded department store. The lawsuit is frivolous and the story is a fraud – just like the author.”

Carroll’s lawyer, Robert Kaplan told The New York Times, “When Carroll’s account of what had happened to her was published, Donald Trump not only denied the rape, but denied ever having met Carroll or knowing who she was. But Trump knew his statements were false and defamatory — he knew who Carroll was that day at Bergdorf Goodman and he knows who she is now.”

Wendy Phan's history in athletics inspires her to pursue a career in sports journalism. She is a graduate of Georgia State University with a Bachelor’s degree in journalism. She has valuable skills such as being a board operator and learning how to edit in Adobe Premiere.

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