
5 Weird Things in a Woman’s Purse

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If you’re a woman, or someone who associates with women, you probably know that besides air, food and water, there is one more item that is essential for feminine day-to-day existence — a purse.

A fire fighter can’t get through the day without their firetruck. A barber can’t get through the day without their clippers. Cosmetologists can’t get through their work days without combs. And women, well, what would we do without a way to carry our daily necessities?

Typically, these totes provide shelter for the common items that we may find to be necessary or beneficial to us throughout the day. Some of these items include lotion, cosmetics, keys, a phone, a wallet, snacks, small necessities, etc.

But there are some women who take their purse packing to a more extreme level. In addition to the basic items that the majority of females keep in their purses, some women like to keep items in their purses that are far out of the ordinary. Here is a list of the five strangest items that some women keep in their purses, ranked from least to most surprising.

5. Hot sauce

So, this one wasn’t too much of a surprise to hear about. Normally, you would find this item in someone’s kitchen cabinet — not in their purse. But I guess this makes sense, though, if you’re someone who eats a lot of savory food throughout the day or hates the blandness of your workplace cafeteria food. In all actuality, keeping hot sauce in your purse could end up being helpful. Maybe this one deserves a try.

4. Pictures of their favorite celebrities

Again, not too much of a surprise. Keeping pictures of your favorite celebrity(s) in your handbag could come in handy if you don’t have any pictures of your family, friends, pets or any other living organisms that you know personally. This may also provide you with a sense of comfort and inspiration if the pictures are of celebrities that have made great efforts to make the world a better place. If you find that you have a personal connection to a prominent person, maybe you could give keeping pictures of them in your purse a try and see how it may (or may not) improve your daily progress.

3. String Cheese

Throw in some ham and crackers, and this may actually work out. Some women keep cheese in their purse in case they need a quick snack or a tasty little treat to munch on during the ‘after-lunch but way before quitting time’ period at work. If you’re a mom, this idea may come in handy if you spend a lot of time out and about with the little ones. After all, cheese is an all-time favorite.

2. Extra Wigs

While some women prefer to keep spare batteries, a spare key or extra pens in their purses, other women like to keep an extra hairstyle or two in theirs. This was quite entertaining to learn about, because in all my years of life, I have never heard anyone say, “Hey, could you pass me that wig out of my purse?” Although the idea of this sounded absolutely absurd at first, it began to make a little sense later on. It’s the 21st century. Anything can happen. It is possible for a woman to need to spruce herself up throughout the day, and having an extra wig on hand would be extremely convenient.

1. A vibrator

Well, this list sure did escalate quickly. I asked about 30 women to name a weird item that they keep in their purse, and shockingly, 13 of those women confessed to keeping a vibrator in their purses. Keeping a vibrator in their purses makes these women feel “sexy,” “prepared,” “fun” and “spontaneous.” While this is not the worst thing to keep in your purse, it is the boldest item to have in your purse… all day… in public. But, if you’re a woman that experiences those types of needs at work, school, the park, malls, etc. then have at it!

Avanti Tolbert is a freelance writer for Hers Magazine. She majored in Journalism at Georgia State University. When she is not busy writing, she enjoys shopping, catching up on her favorite shows and spending time with her precious daughter.

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